How quickly you wish to advance to the Castle Age.Whether you want to opt for Scouts, Archers or Eagles.This means that the majority of a regular build order is already handled for you and you only need to adapt your build depending on two main things: The beauty of Empire Wars is that you start with 27 Villagers that are auto-assigned to chop wood, mine gold, and harvest from farms, and you have a few Villagers that start around sheep next to your Town Center. For now, we’re providing you with the advice we can and we’ll return to update at a later date. Please note: as there is no Empire Wars meta established yet, and some mathematical decisions are yet to be established in terms of the best timing to do certain things, this guide is still evolving. In addition to this, because your opponent will also be creating military troops as soon as the game begins, walling your base becomes harder - or at least a more urgent matter.

The biggest difference by far with an Empire Wars build order is that you’ll be going to go into military production straight away rather than merely working towards an eventual army. Whilst there are small variations to the above based on the map or the Civ you’re playing with, these default settings mean that traditional Age of Empires 2 build orders go out the window, and instead, we need to look to specific Empire Wars build orders to help us achieve victory. There are also fewer starting sheep and no wild boar to hunt. Players get 27 Villagers, a Scout, a Loom, a Barracks, a Blacksmith, a Mill, a Mining Camp, and a Lumber Camp. Empires Wars is a fast-paced game mode in Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition where players start with a number of existing items and troops.